Rules for the selection of participants to the Social Business Hackathon competition

1. The purpose of the competition

1.1. The purpose of this competition is to select participants for the Social Business Hackathon, which will take place in June 12-14, 2020.
1.2. 15 social business ideas are selected for the hackathon through a competition.
1.3. The hackathon is implemented under the Change4Future program, in order to promote the creation and development of social businesses, help changemakers to develop sustainable and commercially viable social businesses in Kaunas County.
1.4. The Change4Future social business development program is implemented within the project “Incentives for Social Business Start-up and Promotion in Kaunas County” (08.5.1-ESFA-K-853-01-0018) and is partially funded by the European Social Fund.

2. Organizer of the competition

2.1. The organizers of the hackathon and competition are Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, European Social Entrepreneurship and Innovative Studies Institute and Kaunas IN.

3. Competition period

3.1. The competition period from 5th May 2020 until 2nd June 2020.
3.2. The winners will be selected and announced in several stages. The last winners and the final list will be announced on the 2nd June 2020.

4. Participation conditions

4.1. The hackathon competition is open to individual persons and legal entities.
4.2. Participation is open to all individual persons, regardless of their nationality, gender, age, education or any other characteristic.
4.3. Participation is open to all legal entities, regardless of their place and date of establishment or other characteristics.

Note: these conditions apply only to the hackathon competition – access to the accelerator will have to comply with the conditions for participation in the accelerator, including the age of the established business or the obligation to establish a business, as well as the requirements for the place of registration of the legal entity.

4.4. The Social Business Hackathon is open to social businesses of various maturities, including:

– Social business ideas without yet a business model or product prototype;
– Social business start-ups with a product prototype / sustainable social business model.

4.5. Participation in the competition is free of charge.
4.6. To participate in the competition, you need to fill in an online application.

5. Selection criteria

5.1. Social business ideas are selected based on the following criteria:

5.1.1. Clear problem.
5.1.2. Proposed solution. Solution efficiency.
5.1.3. Social impact. The business idea must contribute to at least one of the goals of sustainable development.
5.1.4. Innovation
5.1.5. Motivation
5.1.6. Sustainability
5.1.7. Financial viability perspective

5.2. The priority is applied to the social business ideas of Kaunas County entrepreneurs.

6. Selection of the winners

6.1. According to the submitted applications, the winners are selected by the competition jury.
6.2. The jury will only take into account the information provided in the application.
6.3. Winners are selected during several stages:

6.3.1. The first 6 winners are selected during the intermediate stages: 2 ideas are selected every week during the period from 12th May 2020 until 26th May 2020 from the applications submitted before the relevant time.
6.3.2. The last 9 winners will be selected from the final stage. They will be selected from all the remaining applications submitted by the deadline.

6.4. The competition jury is given the right to allocate additional winners from previous hackathons or other similar events or activities. They could be invited to participate in the hackathon without the obligation to participate in this competition.
6.5. The winners must participate in the hackathon as a team of 3-5 people. In the absence of team members, organizers will be able to help find team members with the desired competencies from individuals who have registered to participate in the hackathon.

7. Submission of applications and deadlines

7.1. Applications are submitted by filling in the online application form.
7.2. The application form is available at:
7.3. One person or legal entity can submit several applications for different social business ideas. Only one idea of ​​one person can win, i. e. once the jury has selected one idea as the winner, other ideas from the same person will no longer participate in the competition.
7.4. One person or legal entity can submit an application for only one social business idea.
7.5. The submitted application cannot be adjusted, but an additional application can be submitted by indicating in the application that the previous one is being replaced. In that case, the latest submitted application will be considered.
7.6. The deadline for applications is 31st May 2020 till 6.p.m. Subsequent applications will be automatically rejected and will not be considered.
7.7. Applications submitted earlier also participate in the intermediate stages of the competition. The deadline for submission of interim applications: 10th, 17th, 24th May 2020 till 6:00 pm.
7.8. Applications that were not selected during the intermediate stages, will remain in the subsequent stages of the competition.

8. The announcement of winners

8.1. Intermediate and final winners will be announced during the Change4future online seminars.
8.2. The winner’s announcement calendar:

8.2.1. 2020.05.12 seminar “Vol. 2 // How to (co) create a sustainable product that the market is waiting for?”. Two intermediate winners will be announced.
8.2.2. 2020.05.17 seminar “Vol. 3 // How to responsibly sell the created value?” Two intermediate winners are announced.
8.2.3. 2020.05.24 seminar “Vol. 4 // How to be(come) a leader of change?” Two intermediate winners are announced.
8.2.4. 2020.06.02 seminar “Vol. 5 // How to move from the idea to the first client?” The final 7 winners and the full list of hackathon participants are announced.
8.3. If the winner refuses to participate in the hackathon or the organizers of the event decide to increase the number of participants, additional places may be allocated to the hackathon. The additional winners must be announced no later than the start of the hackathon.

9. The jury of the competition

9.1. The jury consists of five persons, who are published on the Change4Future program website.
9.2. The jury follows the principles of independence, fairness, non-discrimination and openness to various ideas.
9.3. The winners are selected by the jury on a collegial basis, following these rules, which include selection criteria.

10. Prohibition to participate

10.1. It is prohibited to participate in the competition for the organizers of the Change4Future program (including staff and volunteers of the participating organizations), members of the jury.

11. Other conditions

11.1. All relevant information is posted on the Change4Future website at
11.2. The organisers and/ or any third parties acting on their behalf (data processors) process participants’/ winners’ data as described in the Information on Personal Data document that is published on the website
11.3. Both the number of intermediate winners and the total number of winners may be increased by the decision of the jury.
11.4. These rules may be adjusted by the decision of the competition organizer by announcing officially.
11.5. These rules are published on the Change4Future website during the competition period and three months after the competition deadline.